Thursday, 9 February 2017

Weekly Awards

Take a look at our weekly superstars...

 Super Stars of the Week

The lovely Listening Stars

Our magnificent Maths Magicians

The Romans Invade Year 4!

On Wednesday 1st February Year 4 had their Roman day. Each class went to different teachers to learn about different parts of Roman life.We researched Roman facts and also learnt how to make mosaics and Roman clay pots. As w ell as this we also we sang a song called 'Just like a Roman' and last but not least we practiced defending ourselves with our Roman army shields. In the afternoon we were invaded by some Roman students from Post 16, who scared us with their screaming and shouting. Once we had calmed down we had a delicious Roman banquet.
Thank you to our amazing parents for making costumes and providing food for our feast, we had an amazing day!

By Alanood (Wagtails)