Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Weekly Awards

Stars of the Week

This week our stars of the week were:
Hamdan - For an excellent attitude in all lessons this week, including Social Studies and Math - wonderful feedback from his teachers.
Alanood - For being helpful, hardworking, kind and polite.
Elijah - For his fantastic attitude to learning, always on task and a role model for behaviour,
Ahmed - For an amazing piece of instruction writing about how to make his delicious sandwich as well as a positive attitude to school.
Husam - For developing a mature attitude to school.  He is responsible, reliable and listens attentively to instructions.

Maths Magicians

Each week we celebrate the mathematical skills of our children. This award is given to those children who have impressed their Maths teacher for a number of reasons - enthusiasm, perseverance, positivity, logical thinking, etc.  This week the awards went to these amazing children:

Jack, Mansoor, Mariam,
Isla and Noor,

Good Listener Award

A new award in Year 4 is our Good Listener Award - these delightful children are respectful and courteous to not only their teachers but also to the other children in the class. Congratulations to these wonderful young ladies:

Naila, Sukie, Fatima, Suhira and Sameen.

Congratulations to all of our award winners - you make Year 4 amazing!

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