Thursday, 15 December 2016

Poison Dart Frogs - Pipits

These fantastic frogs make fantastic gifts don't you think?

Super Sewing

Year 4 have been working hard on their poison dart frogs over the last few weeks. The finished results are amazing! Thank you to all parents that came into school and offered their support.

Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Drum Roll please........ Year 4 School Councillors

A hearty congratulations to the 2016 - 2017 school councillors.

Well done Murtaza Ghadially and Abigail Tabirao from Year 4 Pipits. We know that you will be fabulous at representing all the Year 4 students at the school council meetings.

Hi, my name is Abigail Tabirao from the Philippines and I am 9 years old. A little about me – I love dance, gymnastics, swimming and singing. I am proud to be the 2017 chosen representative for all the Year 4 classes and I am honoured to be a member of the Al Yasmina Academy School Council. I will try to listen to everyone’s ideas and include them in the meetings that I attend. I am so excited to be working on the team of councilors. My aims this year is to help give the students a voice.  

Hello everyone my name is Murtaza and I am in Year 4 Pipits-Al Qasimi House. I am extremely excited and truly thankful to all the Year 4 students for choose me as the school council representative.
 As student councillor I would like to encourage people to come to school and make our school days more fun, but I cannot do this unless we work as a team, collaborate and come up with our ideas.
 My idea is that we should have a day where all the houses celebrate their day.
 We could also bring out the toys once in a while and arrange a few cool games for us to play at snack and lunch.